The following are a few of the testimonials/thank you notes I have received from clients and attorneys.
I have changed names and left out information in order to preserve privacy.
Dear Deborah,
I wanted to thank you again for all your work. I look at my family now and where I am at in my life, “happy” and I have you to thank.
I can’t thank you enough for being there through my total ups and unfortunately downs….it was a rough time to say the least! I hope you are doing well and thank you again for your support, knowledge, but most of all patience and empathy (as well as not firing me because I became pyscho!!)
Best to you,
Thanks again for your excellent help in navigating through the choppy waters of divorce – it took a lot of pressure off me at that difficult time to have your advice and counsel.
Warm regards,
Dear Deborah,
Your professionalism and humor and kindness made it easier. Thank you!
Thank God its over!!
Thanks for all your support and help. I felt well represented.
Dear Deborah,
I want to thank you for your tremendous assistance in securing a visitation plan that will now allow me the opportunity to maintain and nurture a relationship with my daughter. This is the first time that I now feel that I can be a father, and for this I want to thank you for your undying support.
Sincere regards,
Miracles happen—it is all over. I’ve moved to a great house and thank you for your much appreciated support!
Deborah, you are one of those people whose each day is completely absorbed with something. I will always believe and sincerely appreciate the role you played as key and significant in all our lives. You truly made a difference in one child’s life and that has got to mean a lot in the grand scheme of things. You are still my favorite attorney !
Hi, thanks for a wonderful job you did. I will stop by soon and say hi.
Once again I would like to thank you for your professional help. I have appreciated your promptness and guiding me through this mess! Your assistance has left a mark that will not be forgotten.
Thanks again,
Thank you so much for all your help with my spousal support issue over the past 3+ years. I appreciate your integrity, hard work and guidance through the legal process. You always presented me with options and recommendations in respondent to R’s demands, and I appreciate your respect for my decisions. Thank you.
All the best,
(Letter from a consulting attorney):
I wanted to let you know that I appreciate the work you are doing with this couple and think you responded with a great email to my client’s note regarding support.
I do a lot of mediation, and know that it’s usually in a “vacuum” with little recognition. Consider this some well-earned praise!
(Email from a prior opposing counsel):
Hi Deborah,
Just to give you a “heads up,” I have given your name to a family friend who will likely need an attorney to help her with her divorce. Her name is Mary S.___ and I believe the most critical issue will be custody. The parties have separated and she is pregnant and is due in May. It was a short marriage and I do not believe assets will be a significant issue, but she’s the higher earner and support will likely be an issue.
It was a pleasure working opposite you and have the highest esteem for your professionalism; I was without hesitation in referring you to Mary with high regards. I have given her a few referrals, but I believe she will be calling your office shortly to schedule an appointment with you. I know she will appreciate any assistance you could offer her.
Hope all is well,
Best regards,
Dear Ms. Ewing,
At times within our careers we need to make decisions or take chances and I want you to know what you have accomplished for my children.
My daughter who was literally running the streets for the last year and flunking out of school has turned her life around completely.
In the short time we have been reunited, Susan went to each one of her teachers and asked how she could establish A’s by next report period. [balance of this letter too personal to the case to share, but child made dramatic turn-around]
I can only Sincerely Thank You for your outstanding professionalism. You gave my children a chance.
Mark went from all D’s & F’s to 3 A’s this report period. Being a boy-He requires a lot of follow up ?
Ms Ewing … Many Blessings to you and your family.
Please accept my Heart Felt Appreciation and Gratitude
I wish you health, happiness, love and success!
Dear Deborah,
Thank you for helping me realize that there was a way to save my marriage. Your comment about first taking care of my daughter resonated with me.
Though this process was most difficult, it was beneficial. B and I are now closer than we have ever been and his relationship with our daughter has improved (and he actually takes a day off from work every week)
I wish you the best,
Dear Deborah,
A single custody case for you, soon lost from the forefront of your mind, meant the world to
me…to ensure my child has on-going access to the support and adoration of her daddy. I had braced myself, expecting a far less pleasing outcome than occurred. My appreciation goes beyond words.
With appreciation,